Monday, 22 July 2013


Today my dads friends dog came over to our house. we have to look after her for a day and night and morning. Her name is Molly she is a clever dog she can roll over give me high fives and hand she can do heaps of other trick as well.


  1. What a clever dog! Can she really give you a high 5?
    Mrs Natusch

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed looking after her. When she got home she had a big long sleep so I'm guessing she enjoyed playing with you.

    Thanks for looking after her and if you have any ideas for new tricks I could teach her let me know

    Shane (Molly's human dad)

  3. Dear Tegan

    That is so cool and amazing! What tipe of dog is it? How old Is Molly?

    From Serena

  4. To Tegen
    I like the dog that your holding with the leash. Is that your dog or somebody elses?
    From Titus Tukotahi
