Saturday, 29 June 2013

Cup Cakes

Today I decided to make some cup cakes so I did and I made them with no help.
I put some icing on it and this pink stuff called pinkoulicous.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

My waste to wow

 This is our waste to wow costumes first we planed it and then started making the Juniors there flowers.Then we started to collect materials for main costume. We made our costume with what everything said on the plan.I can not wait to the shows today.

Thursday, 20 June 2013


If I lived in a volcano I would swim in lava, slide down the volcano and sometimes when the volcano errupts it would be a lava slide. My friend will be a fire princess. I would wear a bright red dress and red tights on my dress there would be a little orange flame. There would be really awesome places inside the volcano like a flame pet shop where all the pets inside are made with fire. Nextdoor, there would  be a horse riding place. The red horses would have rockets at the back of them that make them go faster. Also, it would  leave  a trail on the ground of lava. There would  be  more places as well but those would be my favourite. A volcano would be a hot scary place to live in.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The fear monster

One cold, dark, spooky night when I was in the Elephant cage I heard a crash and  saw a big shadow appear suddenly in front of me. I didn't know what the shadow was. Was it a monster? Was it a animal? Was it an alien? What was the noise? Was it a crash into the tree?  I just knew this would be a spooky freaky job.

I grabbed my torch out of my pocket. I shone it near the shadow and there was a monster
"Aaah" I shouted I set a trap but I wonder what it eats? So I chucked a bit of chilly in the trap. Two minutes later... slam went the door! "Hurrah" I cheered.
 I researched it up but it looked like no one had found it before so I created a new website on the Internet and called it the fear monster.

Matarki Stars (our own 100wc)

Every year when the Matarki stars shine...

People celebrate the Maori New Year. Once the world was dark because these parents together Ranginai/sky and Papatunuku/earth so  the seven brothers pushed and pushed to separate them. Ranginui gets so angry and rips out his eyes and those are the seven stars. Another legend says the stars stand for the seven sisters up in the sky with their dad. That is why people celebrate. People might celebrate with fireworks or a dance party or any other party but of course not a birthday party. The stars will shine when it’s the Maori new year.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

rats nest

Monday, 10 June 2013


On Saturday I went to motat in auckland it was so much fun.
This is what school looks like in the olden days.
This is me in the front of the train in a picture.
This is the mirror maze.
The glob when you put your hands on the glob the lines come to your hands.
We made a bridge and then pulled out the bottom bits it was really strong my dad could walk over it.
This is me and my sister on the tram.
This is a mirror that you stand in front and it will make you small and fat.
This is an old roller.

This is an old train. I also did a pic black dark obstacle course and we made our own trams.

Thursday, 6 June 2013


The article I read was the cat video festival returns to America on kiwi kid’s news.

My summery is that the festival was about cats. Over 10,000 visitors came and the festival this year will be travelling to New York. The cats are acting so funny.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

My reading summary